Types Of Insulation Materials

Proper insulation is essential for a home’s energy efficiency and comfort. If you have high heating and cooling costs or uncomfortable rooms in your home, understanding the right type of insulation upgrade could be all you need to create a more comfortable and energy efficient home. Types of Home Insulation Materials Spray Foam Insulation: Spray … Read more

Pipe Insulation

Make Water Lines More Efficient With Pipe Insulation As they say, the devil is in the details, and when it comes to home energy, every little bit helps. Even if your home has a high efficiency water heater, you might be losing heat through your pipes. That’s right, without properly insulating your hot water pipes, … Read more

Attic Insulation

Fiberglass Attic Insulation - Home Energy Nerds

Does Your Home Adequate Attic Insulation? Heat passes all too easily through a poorly insulated attic. In the winter, heated interior air rises naturally by convection and escapes into the attic through numerous air leaks. Conductive heat loss through the cold ceiling makes rooms directly beneath the attic even colder. The problem reverses on a … Read more

What Are Ice Dams? How Can They Be Prevented?

As autumn draws to a close and temperatures continue to steadily drop in many areas around the country, homeowners must ready themselves for the oncoming snow and ice of the winter season. For homeowners in areas with colder climates, these preparations include stocking up on salt for the driveway, replacing broken snow shovels or tuning … Read more